Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Hurrah for blogs!

How nice is it when you are trying to find something to fill the time, you are able to read random thoughts by people you know? I think it's pretty cool.

I could be reading innumerable articles or bogus "comedy" websites, but instead, I choose to read things that let me understand the people I know better. I think it is a unique way to get to know someone. Even people you DON'T know, you can get to know a little bit about their world, which is often very different from yours.

That is one of the reasons I am trying to post with greater frequency. I want to be a part of this community.

And to my non-blog friends, I say "Try it, you'll like it!"


I feel as if we haven't done any travelling in ages. Eons. But I know that isn't true. Just a few slight months ago, we were jetting off to a sandy isle in the middle of noplace. But that seems so far a dream. Plus, it was all tied in with the wedding mess. So, it didn't seem like a real trip, somehow.

However, tomorrow we are flying to Beantown. Owned by our cat, apparently. But we've never been. Neither of us. SO, I am excited. I don't think we've ever been someplace that NEITHER one of us has ever been before. It's time to explore. And hang out with some extremely cool friends and family....


Monday, September 27, 2004

Bean bath

Last night was a milestone...I was able to take a bath, soaking BOTH feet!

However, as I was perched on the edge of the tub, shaving (also a milestone for which J is exceedingly grateful) Bean was investigating the far edge of our lovely, borrowed, sunken Jacuzzi tub.

Next thing I know, he's doing a cannonball. Seriously. He jumped right in. And being that the tub was pretty deep, the water was well over his head. If I hadn't fished him out with my girly-scented-shave-cream-covered hands, he might not have made it. It sure didn't look like he could swim...

After much thrashing, we were able to dry him off, and calm him down. Well, as much as he ever does calm down. He was then "calm" enough to continue racing around the room and charging up and down the bed (very standard behavior for that time of night.)

Luckily, he wasn't in the drink very long. Good thing, because I am not sure how to perform kitten CPR ...

Friday, September 24, 2004

One crutch down...

and one to go!

Stiches came out yesterday, and contrary to everything I'd been hurt! And then the big, fat, swollen, pillow of a foot wouldn't go into my sock OR my shoe. So, I romped around "back to school night" with a very attractive medi-foot shoe-hoof thing. Bah!

However, I was able to squeeze in this morning, so I am now the proud owner of TWO fine tennis shoes. And I can even use both of them, they aren't even just for show!

But you can call me mono-crutch, since I can't really put all my weight all the time on the foot. But it's waay better than bi-crutch. (Does that mean the crutch swings both ways?)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Blue goo

Well, I came in early to work today for a meeting, and now have some free time on my hands.

We have a nice parent group who takes pity on us every other wednesday (because more than that would just make us fat) and leave us snackies in all the teachers' lounges on campus. Today there are bagels and cream cheese, and gatorade. Why this constitutes a breakfasty snack, I'm not sure.

I grabbed a "Frost-Glacier Freeze", since I have been dehydrated quite alot lately, and brought it back to my office. I cracked it open and started to drink, but I really had a problem digesting the blue liquid. We don't drink anything blue normally--it just isn't a natural color. And so I balked. What if it was actually antifreeze masquarding as an electrolyte replenishing drink?

We have really been trying to eat well at home. We don't buy all organic, but we try to buy brown rice, multi-grain bread, fresh veggies, grilled meats, fruits. We stay away from most pre-packaged foods (unless it is presented as a free meal--then, well, we will take it--because we are long on principles and short on money!) and partially hydrogenated foods. We use real butter and one percent milk. We eat what we want, but most of the time, we really try to eat healthy. I don't think we are radical (and believe me, I've met radical....I know a girl who makes her own butter and cheese and drinks mostly unpasteurized, unhomogenized milk. Then she wonders why no one invites her over for dinner...)

So, why can't I bring myself to drink this? Even doctors give you this weirdly colored beverage at the hospital if you are what is the deal? I think my healthy eating habits have finally caught up with me.

Except for ice cream. I still eat lots of ice cream.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


As someone who's spent an inordinate amount of time, of late, on the couch watching TV, I have a complaint.

What the heck is with these commercials advertising the new McDonald's Chicken Selects? That they are so very good that no one will, or seemingly can, share?

There are entire commercials devoted to one person (there is a girl version and a guy version, making sure they cover both ends of the poor, depraved demographic) thinking up countless ways to tell people that they will not share with them AT ANY COST.

I feel that these commercials are detrimental to the fragile american psyche. The average fast-food eating American has only recently been spared from the whole "Super Size" mania. Now they will make sure they eat every crumb, won't they.

Do they really think that people will assume they shouldn't share these fried chicken fingers, thereby selling MORE of them to the denied public? I should think not.

These commercials are merely encouraging bad manners and setting a bad example.

Please, write letters to your local Ronald McDonald! This must not stand!

Saturday, September 18, 2004


Friends are people who in third grade came to your house and had sleepovers. They (or you) would usually get scared at about 10 or 11 pm, and have to have their parents called to come take them home.

Friends are people we grew up with in 7th grade. We have improved our ability to sleep over, and realized there is no sleeping involved. We played "light as a feather, stiff as a board" and fooled around with ouija boards and seances. We ate popcorn, froze each other's training bras, and watched scary movies and did each other's hair and makeup.*

Friends in high school are the people who are your best friends one minute, and then next are trying to steal your pseudo boyfriend. They are also the people who you tell your deepest secrets to, like which boy you think is f-i-n-e, and where you would go if you ever got up the gumption to like, so totally skip school. And, you continue to have sleep overs where people freeze your bra, and throw it around the next morning to wake you up.

Friends in college are the people who you bond to, ridiculous strong bonds, that you feel can never be broken. You live, eat, sleep with these people. They are more important than anything else. Even, and including, your classes.

Friends after college get tricky. The real world is hard. People you would take a bullet for in college move away, get jobs, make new friends and move on. People you meet in your first job can be fun, but can also be out to get you. There's competition. You can't readily distinguish between someone who will be a good, close friend, or a mere acquantance...with whom you SOOO shouldn' t have confided in about your boss, your work, your life.

Friends 5+ years out of college dwindle quickly. You don't keep in touch so much with those you should. You grow away from others. Meeting new friend candidates is really tricky. Work takes up so much time, and it's hard to keep going out. Making new friends is rough. You meet people sometimes, but they don't stick.

Friends after marriage. People stay away from you because,'re married. I'd write more, but that is all I have discovered about this period of friends. I hope it gets better.

I like all the friends I have, but I would like to keep making new ones. It's hard.

Thanks to all our friends that we have. I wish you were closer....but you are diamonds all the same.

*If you are a boy, feel free to add an addendum to this time period, as I hope you weren't doing these things....

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Birthday Bingo

I am kinda blah because, well...32 is of nothing. It isn't a landmark birthday to be sure. No big party plans (the foot made sure of that). I mean, you can't have a sweet party every year, because then how would you appreciate the parties when you have them? I know. And I already had what has to be the biggest party of them all.... I am pretty sure I am suffering a bit of wedding withdrawal. But we did get all this great china...I want to use it!

Work is up to it's same old idiotic ridiculous-ness. People who are rude, unprofessional, self-centered, yelly, and generally don't do their job, aren't nice to the kids--are wearing my patience thin. Already. 5th day of school. Has to be some kind of record.

I had a very nice birthday breakfast courtesy of my lovely husband. And there are presents waiting for me when I arrive home. Hooray! presents!

Oh, and of the furry critter...we named him "Bean". Just in case you were wondering....

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

This side of discombobulation

List of moronic things that I have done in the past two weeks:

5) gotten scratches by the kitty. (Bloody, scabby, red scratches)
4) burned myself with my curling iron (I swear, husbands don't give hickeys. They have a ring to mark their territory.)
3) forgetting to take my antibiotics (I think I WANT my foot to fall off.)
2) forgot to get gas in J's car (fumes, i tell you...fumes. Thank god for full service stations!)
1) STEPPED ON A NEEDLE (did I mention that yet?)

Lame Lame Lame.

To top that off, we scheduled a party for this weekend for my birthday that no one RSVP'd to. We invited like 25 people or so, and everyone VIEWED the invite, but only 5 people responded. only 2 were "yes, we are coming." Doesn't matter, I can't really play hostess anyhow. But still...


Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I had a dream last night that I ran into President Bush the mall or something. And I walked up to him and said hello. He shook my hand, and was very campaign-y and nice. And he walked me to my car and held the door for me. I thanked him, and then said "Best wishes." Because I knew I didn't want to say anything like good luck because I knew (even in my dream state) that I didn't want him to win the election. So, I said "Best Wishes"...I mean, I didn't want to be rude....even to the dream president.

And then, I went home, and I was living in his house. It was the white house, I guess, but lots smaller, and very model home looking. He was then embarrased that he didn't recognize me at the mall, since I was living in his house and all.

I feel like Kerry is blowing this thing. He needs to blanket the population. Now, soon....point out the many failings of this could he NOT...there are so many.

I feel I should do something to help. Protest or campaign for him....SOMETHING. Otherwise, we are in big trouble.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Welcome to moviephone

we watched a couple of movies this weekend. Nothing current, because that would involve way to much effort on my part, and it wouldn't be US if we could actually agree on seeing the same movie.

So, Hurrah! for netflix!

We saw:

the Fog of War: interviews w/ Robert S. McNamara. Interesting, even if I didn't understand it all. The "S." stands for "Strange". No lie.

In America: Very good. Poignant. Recommended. But my one complaint would have to be: how is it that an immigrant family with no money, living in a squalorous building (to say the least) and who plucks their furniture off the street STILL has a cooler living space than me?

Miracle: Pretty good. Although, it being a historical account of an actual sporting event means that you already know how it turns out, everyone does. Does make it a bit less exciting.

We are waiting for the next round. Keep you posted.

Kudos to Dan

I really can't imagine how he did it. For so long. TWICE.

Doing ANYTHING is such a chore. just coming down to breakfast, up to dress, and down to the basement to leave the house is ridiculously strenous. I get sweaty and out of breath before I even leave the house! (what with all the crawling, hopping, crutching and balancing, you see...)

It's really making me crazy.

Nor can I go investigate the crashes from upstairs when the kitten is out of sight. Drivin' me MAD, I tell you! (and it isn't like I had that far to go to begin with...)

Friday, September 10, 2004

Twiddling the Paws

well, we have one kitty already.

We still have no name for him.
At any given moment he is known as Sparky, Stinky, Snoozer, Twitch, The Sneak, or Sparkplug.

Feel free to vote.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Flat tire

So, as you might have read on J's blog, I'm on crutches.

Like the magnetic object I am, I somehow managed to swiff my foot over a needle in our carpet. It went in at a nasty angle, and then when I pulled my foot up to survey the damage, the rest of the needle (perhaps the 2 centimenters that WEREN'T in my foot) lodged in the carpet. The upwards motion created a popping sensation, and TADA...needle lodged in my foot. Painful, yes--but I feel the need to point out that what they did in the emergency room hurt far worse.

This story seems to really affect the people hearing it--even more than me--the person it happened to. Yes, it is creepy, however, it wasn't like i knew AHEAD of time that I was going to get a needle jammed in my foot. I always think the fear of "impending" pain makes things hurt worse than the actual "surprise" pain. One part of the reason why the unsuccessful emergency room procedure hurt so much. That, and OH YEAH lidocaine shots to the bottom of your foot hurt like a mofo.

Anyways...suffice to say that 3 surgeries more heavy metal. Unless you count the crutches. That I have to be on. For three weeks.


Friday, September 03, 2004

kitten (s), ho!


Thar seems to be kittens on the horizon!

and I can't wait.

We put in for one at this shelter, but we were not first in line, and we didn't think we'd get him. He's lovey, and a total spaz. Just the way I like 'em. My cats AND my men.

They called and told us the folks in front of us backed out because he was so hyper. We will have some "kitten-proofing" to do to our place should they see us fit to be parents, but....he will be fun.

AND, we might be able to get TWO kittens, as a friend knows someone looking to place a few other kitten-types. Hooray! Kittens ahoy!

And now, we need a name, or...NAMES. Any suggestions?
We have trouble in the name dept. J always seems to make fun of my choices, and feelings get hurt, and can guess the fallout. This does not bode well for our REAL children.
Help us out!*

*statement disclaimer: this comment not intented to elicit any type of child-stealing behavior from the constituency. Thank you.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Dizzy Broad


I've been sick since Tuesday night. Don't know what I caught, but it's disgusting. Feel better today though. Not better enough to put in a full day of work, tho. Only a half. Seeing as how I get dizzy when I stand for too long, I thought it best not to head in for orientation where I'd have to stand to talk to new kids and parents for the better half of the morning. NO WAY.

Besides, I get to sleep a bit more this way. And sleep is always good when you aren't 100%.

I should also note that I am not a good sickie. I don't handle it well. I complain and moan like I am dying. In fact, the worst thing for me is throwing up. I really do think I AM dying when that happens. I haven't blown chunks like that in ages. And it really helps when you do finally puke and then you immediately feel better afterwards. But I didn't. AT ALL. blech.

well. I am feeling a bit better, so the poor husband is off the hook. What a guy. He even came home from work midday with gatorade on my behalf!