Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Friday, September 24, 2004

One crutch down...

and one to go!

Stiches came out yesterday, and contrary to everything I'd been hurt! And then the big, fat, swollen, pillow of a foot wouldn't go into my sock OR my shoe. So, I romped around "back to school night" with a very attractive medi-foot shoe-hoof thing. Bah!

However, I was able to squeeze in this morning, so I am now the proud owner of TWO fine tennis shoes. And I can even use both of them, they aren't even just for show!

But you can call me mono-crutch, since I can't really put all my weight all the time on the foot. But it's waay better than bi-crutch. (Does that mean the crutch swings both ways?)


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