Friends are people who in third grade came to your house and had sleepovers. They (or you) would usually get scared at about 10 or 11 pm, and have to have their parents called to come take them home.
Friends are people we grew up with in 7th grade. We have improved our ability to sleep over, and realized there is no sleeping involved. We played "light as a feather, stiff as a board" and fooled around with ouija boards and seances. We ate popcorn, froze each other's training bras, and watched scary movies and did each other's hair and makeup.*
Friends in high school are the people who are your best friends one minute, and then next are trying to steal your pseudo boyfriend. They are also the people who you tell your deepest secrets to, like which boy you think is f-i-n-e, and where you would go if you ever got up the gumption to like, so totally skip school. And, you continue to have sleep overs where people freeze your bra, and throw it around the next morning to wake you up.
Friends in college are the people who you bond to, ridiculous strong bonds, that you feel can never be broken. You live, eat, sleep with these people. They are more important than anything else. Even, and including, your classes.
Friends after college get tricky. The real world is hard. People you would take a bullet for in college move away, get jobs, make new friends and move on. People you meet in your first job can be fun, but can also be out to get you. There's competition. You can't readily distinguish between someone who will be a good, close friend, or a mere acquantance...with whom you SOOO shouldn' t have confided in about your boss, your work, your life.
Friends 5+ years out of college dwindle quickly. You don't keep in touch so much with those you should. You grow away from others. Meeting new friend candidates is really tricky. Work takes up so much time, and it's hard to keep going out. Making new friends is rough. You meet people sometimes, but they don't stick.
Friends after marriage. People stay away from you because,'re married. I'd write more, but that is all I have discovered about this period of friends. I hope it gets better.
I like all the friends I have, but I would like to keep making new ones. It's hard.
Thanks to all our friends that we have. I wish you were closer....but you are diamonds all the same.
*If you are a boy, feel free to add an addendum to this time period, as I hope you weren't doing these things....
Friends are people we grew up with in 7th grade. We have improved our ability to sleep over, and realized there is no sleeping involved. We played "light as a feather, stiff as a board" and fooled around with ouija boards and seances. We ate popcorn, froze each other's training bras, and watched scary movies and did each other's hair and makeup.*
Friends in high school are the people who are your best friends one minute, and then next are trying to steal your pseudo boyfriend. They are also the people who you tell your deepest secrets to, like which boy you think is f-i-n-e, and where you would go if you ever got up the gumption to like, so totally skip school. And, you continue to have sleep overs where people freeze your bra, and throw it around the next morning to wake you up.
Friends in college are the people who you bond to, ridiculous strong bonds, that you feel can never be broken. You live, eat, sleep with these people. They are more important than anything else. Even, and including, your classes.
Friends after college get tricky. The real world is hard. People you would take a bullet for in college move away, get jobs, make new friends and move on. People you meet in your first job can be fun, but can also be out to get you. There's competition. You can't readily distinguish between someone who will be a good, close friend, or a mere acquantance...with whom you SOOO shouldn' t have confided in about your boss, your work, your life.
Friends 5+ years out of college dwindle quickly. You don't keep in touch so much with those you should. You grow away from others. Meeting new friend candidates is really tricky. Work takes up so much time, and it's hard to keep going out. Making new friends is rough. You meet people sometimes, but they don't stick.
Friends after marriage. People stay away from you because,'re married. I'd write more, but that is all I have discovered about this period of friends. I hope it gets better.
I like all the friends I have, but I would like to keep making new ones. It's hard.
Thanks to all our friends that we have. I wish you were closer....but you are diamonds all the same.
*If you are a boy, feel free to add an addendum to this time period, as I hope you weren't doing these things....
At 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
As someone who has thrown your frozen bra, I have the solution. Apparently what you should do at this stage in the game is have a baby, then you can meet all sorts of people who have babies, and talk about all sorts of things to do with babies.
All of Kris' friends are having or have recently had babies. It's like someone flipped a switch and it's all baby, all the time. We're not loosing friends to our marriage, we're loosing them to babies.
And, why God, why is this not vaguely appealing to me? Babies don't know anything about food, fashion or politics. What is so damned interesting about them. I'm beginning to worry about it.
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