Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Monday, September 27, 2004

Bean bath

Last night was a milestone...I was able to take a bath, soaking BOTH feet!

However, as I was perched on the edge of the tub, shaving (also a milestone for which J is exceedingly grateful) Bean was investigating the far edge of our lovely, borrowed, sunken Jacuzzi tub.

Next thing I know, he's doing a cannonball. Seriously. He jumped right in. And being that the tub was pretty deep, the water was well over his head. If I hadn't fished him out with my girly-scented-shave-cream-covered hands, he might not have made it. It sure didn't look like he could swim...

After much thrashing, we were able to dry him off, and calm him down. Well, as much as he ever does calm down. He was then "calm" enough to continue racing around the room and charging up and down the bed (very standard behavior for that time of night.)

Luckily, he wasn't in the drink very long. Good thing, because I am not sure how to perform kitten CPR ...


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