Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Friday, September 03, 2004

kitten (s), ho!


Thar seems to be kittens on the horizon!

and I can't wait.

We put in for one at this shelter, but we were not first in line, and we didn't think we'd get him. He's lovey, and a total spaz. Just the way I like 'em. My cats AND my men.

They called and told us the folks in front of us backed out because he was so hyper. We will have some "kitten-proofing" to do to our place should they see us fit to be parents, but....he will be fun.

AND, we might be able to get TWO kittens, as a friend knows someone looking to place a few other kitten-types. Hooray! Kittens ahoy!

And now, we need a name, or...NAMES. Any suggestions?
We have trouble in the name dept. J always seems to make fun of my choices, and feelings get hurt, and can guess the fallout. This does not bode well for our REAL children.
Help us out!*

*statement disclaimer: this comment not intented to elicit any type of child-stealing behavior from the constituency. Thank you.


  • At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I suggest for either you kittens or your future progeny:
    Bonkers (because you can scream Bonk Bonk all the time)
    KitN (because it sounds cool)
    "Jennifer is Awesome" (because it's the truth and one needs to be reminded from time to time)
    Chili (because it will make you want to make chili)
    Tuna (because it's ironic)
    Paco (because everyone thinks the name is funny)

    I vote for Bonkers or Pace, but then again I named my cat Volgo. So you probably shouldn't take my advice.

  • At 2:26 AM, Blogger SB said…

    I'm gonna have go with:

    Salvador Antonio Rodriguez III, Conquistador and Captain of Industry.You could call him "Sal" for short. But not in public, of course, as it would send the wrong signal to the peasant folk.

  • At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the best idea we could have so far is Catasaurus Rex. Which, we still can't say without laughing. Poor poor kitty.

  • At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The only name we could come up with so far is Catasaurus Rex. Which we totally can't say with a straight face. Poor poor kitten.

  • At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dog Power!

    Consider your dear friends who are allergic to cats and that will have to be provided with defurred areas to rest! Can two kittens coordinate the delivery of a newspaper? Even African kittens with string? I think not.

    But if kittens it must be I suggest:

    Odd and End
    Grunt and Groan
    Ipso and Facto
    Franky and Johny
    Ping and Pong
    Mazzle and Toph
    Rico and Sauve
    Elvis and Priscilla
    Lauren and Rennee (just kidding)
    Pretzles and Humus
    Arroz and Frijoles

  • At 11:02 AM, Blogger I am a motorboat mom said…

    Pretzels and Hummos...Hm. I wonder who THAT could be?!

    I do really like Rico and Suave. ha! but as of now, we only have one kitten, and we keep calling him stinky, sparky, and The Sneak.

    And don't worry. The guest rooms stay CLOSED. There will be a perfectly "fur free zone" for you to stay in!


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