Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Things you might not know about me

1. I like penguins. No, I REALLY like penguins. They are cute,beaky, and obviously communicate like people. and they are fuzzy when they are small. I am a sucker.

2. I like to fall asleep during bad monster movies on tv. Actually, I like to fall asleep in front of the tv. period.

3. Once, when I was a kid, I told people I had a lobotomy. Because my parents told me I had one.

4. don't feel so bad about #3, because my third grade friend Kyra told me in response that she was pregnant.

5. I hate dark colors because when I was growing up, our house had brown carpets, brown tables, brown couches, rust colored chairs, and puke yellow blinds and wallpaper. Lots of pukey yellow.

6. I have a separate bar of soap in the shower that I use to wash behind my ears, and that is all it is used for.

7. I am contemplating turning all the furniture in our living room into different shades of blue.

8. I really, really, really want to travel to Australia.

9. I know all the words to the entire Beastie Boys' "Liscence to Ill" LP.

10. Sneaky Snake was my favorite record when I was small.

11. I've broken or lost (sometimes both) every nice bracelet I've ever owned. I have lots of other jewelry that I have had for many years. But no bracelets.

12. I had a trigger finger when I was little.

13. My great fears in life were/are: losing my first tooth, learning to drive, being alone in the dark, having a baby.

14. I have an overwhelming feeling that I have some important work I have to do before I leave the planet.

15. I used to spend an inordinate amount of time in college planning for the worst case scenario. I would only wear practical shoes, in case I had to run or fight someone.

16. I got punched in the face in 7th grade.

17. I took fencing for three years in college. I was invited to work with an olympic fencer, but I couldn't afford it at the time.

18. I have a brown belt in Okinowan Shorin Ru.

19. I broke my arm in dance class.

Okay, that's quite enough.


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