Blue goo
Well, I came in early to work today for a meeting, and now have some free time on my hands.
We have a nice parent group who takes pity on us every other wednesday (because more than that would just make us fat) and leave us snackies in all the teachers' lounges on campus. Today there are bagels and cream cheese, and gatorade. Why this constitutes a breakfasty snack, I'm not sure.
I grabbed a "Frost-Glacier Freeze", since I have been dehydrated quite alot lately, and brought it back to my office. I cracked it open and started to drink, but I really had a problem digesting the blue liquid. We don't drink anything blue normally--it just isn't a natural color. And so I balked. What if it was actually antifreeze masquarding as an electrolyte replenishing drink?
We have really been trying to eat well at home. We don't buy all organic, but we try to buy brown rice, multi-grain bread, fresh veggies, grilled meats, fruits. We stay away from most pre-packaged foods (unless it is presented as a free meal--then, well, we will take it--because we are long on principles and short on money!) and partially hydrogenated foods. We use real butter and one percent milk. We eat what we want, but most of the time, we really try to eat healthy. I don't think we are radical (and believe me, I've met radical....I know a girl who makes her own butter and cheese and drinks mostly unpasteurized, unhomogenized milk. Then she wonders why no one invites her over for dinner...)
So, why can't I bring myself to drink this? Even doctors give you this weirdly colored beverage at the hospital if you are what is the deal? I think my healthy eating habits have finally caught up with me.
Except for ice cream. I still eat lots of ice cream.
We have a nice parent group who takes pity on us every other wednesday (because more than that would just make us fat) and leave us snackies in all the teachers' lounges on campus. Today there are bagels and cream cheese, and gatorade. Why this constitutes a breakfasty snack, I'm not sure.
I grabbed a "Frost-Glacier Freeze", since I have been dehydrated quite alot lately, and brought it back to my office. I cracked it open and started to drink, but I really had a problem digesting the blue liquid. We don't drink anything blue normally--it just isn't a natural color. And so I balked. What if it was actually antifreeze masquarding as an electrolyte replenishing drink?
We have really been trying to eat well at home. We don't buy all organic, but we try to buy brown rice, multi-grain bread, fresh veggies, grilled meats, fruits. We stay away from most pre-packaged foods (unless it is presented as a free meal--then, well, we will take it--because we are long on principles and short on money!) and partially hydrogenated foods. We use real butter and one percent milk. We eat what we want, but most of the time, we really try to eat healthy. I don't think we are radical (and believe me, I've met radical....I know a girl who makes her own butter and cheese and drinks mostly unpasteurized, unhomogenized milk. Then she wonders why no one invites her over for dinner...)
So, why can't I bring myself to drink this? Even doctors give you this weirdly colored beverage at the hospital if you are what is the deal? I think my healthy eating habits have finally caught up with me.
Except for ice cream. I still eat lots of ice cream.
At 8:07 AM,
Jason said…
The purchasing of 1% milk is actually Sam's fault. He used to cide us for bringing 2% milk into the apartment. I was so afaird he'd start beating me that I switched to 1% for my safety.
At 9:48 AM,
I am a motorboat mom said…
he used to 'cide you? herbicide? infanticide? homicide? Which one? "Enquiring" minds want to know....
At 10:13 AM,
Jason said…
The terror from recalling such a painful memory must have caused me to miss the 'h'. Sam chided us notoriously. There were times were I wish it was homocide
At 12:32 PM,
SB said…
2% milk is the tool of the devil, and I'll not have the devil's playthings in my temple!
I mean it's like drinking creamer. Bleagh.
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