Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Friday, April 30, 2004

Hey Fellas

Okay, I know I am breaking my "only posting once a month" rule, but there's so much going on.

I have another show opening next week (yes, if you are tired of reading that statement, think about how tired I am!) and we are barreling towards and through countless wedding related activities.

I had my first shower that my mom and sisters threw in Philly. It was lovely. It's also a bit bizarre, when you walk in and see cousins you hardly see and barely know...yet they are all there for you. To see you, and celebrate with you. I didn't know what to say. So, mostly I said, "Thank you sooo much for coming!" Lame, I know. But honestly....what else can I say? "How is that liver disease treating you?" I mean really. That is about as much as I know about my cousins. I only hear about them when they have babies or a serious medical problem.

We got lots of cool stuff. (Many thanks to those who read and were in attendance!) Much more than we can find a place for in our house at the moment, so its mostly just piled in the living room, and lining the walls in the dining area. It will get better after the mother of all yard sales to be held in may. Out with the old, the tattered, the ugly...and in with the new!

But I have to say, I think I am kinda likin' this bride thing. BRIDE PRIDE!

People are nice to you, you get to dress up all girly, they make a big fuss over you, and they give you presents. What's not to like??

Friday, April 09, 2004


Have you seen the eyeball jewelry fad? Someone somewhere in the netherlands (?) thought this would be a lovely decoration. WTF? How can people be so stupid. They had the jewelry surgically implanted in their eye.
Its all fun and games, till....

(I will post the link when I can figure out how to do it!)

I am sitting here with paint under my nails. I love having paint under my nails. I'm not being facetious either. Something about painting a set is so very zen. You forget about everything else....and just paint. I enjoy it. My favorite part of the whole "building" process, actually, because it's when all the debris from sets past starts actually looking like what it is supposed to look like.

I have this one student...we'll just call him "destructo boy". Destructo Boy's main feature is that he breaks or messes up everything he comes in contact with. He can't keep anything nice. He has little control over his motor skills (or he just doesn't care enough to employ them) so he always ends up hurting things...breaking tools, smashing up paint brushes, flinging paint....etc. If I don't keep an eye on him, he's threatening another student with a drill, and it IS a problem, because he might actually miss and hit the kid! (Did I mention that this is high school? yeah......)

And why I even bring it up is because I worry. I worry because what if I have a kid like that some day. Who just is so careless, he breaks EVERYTHING. aiiee. Or what if I have the "I-don't-smile-even-when-I-find-things-funny" kid. Like he's too cool to smile, or something. That kid would also just break my heart.

alright. back to zen paint.
It's a much better place to be.....