Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

the agony

I don't even know where to start.

I have a show that opens in two weeks.

I have auditions for the musical the NEXT week.
In between the two, I have my sister's wedding to run.

And when I say RUN, I mean that I will be the only sane person present. My job will be to defend my sister from the madness that is the rest of our family.

I am not currently winning that battle....

AND THEN....there is a little matter of my own wedding. Which is causing great distress hither and yon.

For some reason, my mother, who has truly known me for ALL of my 31 years, doesn't understand why I don't want a white wedding cake. Or a nice hotel. Or white linens. Or ANY of those things that people traditionally have at a wedding.
Either she assumes I that I have turned into a clone of martha stewart, or she's lost her mind altogether, which is my theory.

Man, I tell you...weddings and funerals. Always bring out the best in people.
Go figure.

Friday, October 24, 2003

Love this life

sitting here drinking a bottle of water (my version of a cup of coffee, which I despise) waiting for my day to start. Next to my computer are huge mounds of STUFF. Like a toy pistol, bulk 9V batteries, a student makeup kit, gaff tape....yeah. that's my desk. What more could you ask for?

I am sure there is something I am supposed to be doing right now, but I can't think of it. Maybe someone will come along and remind me. Or ask me for something. That is more the norm. "Can you help me set this up this power point presentation in the theatre so I can show it in the next 30 seconds?" Those are my favorite requests.

Today I am heading out to a movie set that one of our parents wants to donate to the theatre dept. I need to go see it, because we have NO storage, and I can't just have them bring it here if we can't use it.

I told you, these people are very different than you and me. I am just glad I get to share in this alternate universe. It is very interesting, and there are lots of cool opportunities. Will give you the update.

Heck, I might even want to get married there! hee hee!

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

arpeggio with olive tapenade in white wine sauce with almondine fritters

I don't think I need to say anymore about caterers, do I?

this wedding stuff is unbelievably expensive. and even for just the BASICS! For anything else, it's wacky expensive. and truly, it's a shame that the 'anything else' is labeled in packages like the title above.

Anyone invited to this shindig should feel special, because they will be treated to the priciest meal they've ever had. I'm pretty convinced.

Maybe I will just make chicken cupcakes, and be done with it....oy!

In other news....the building did not come undone, as I had feared in my absence from work yesterday. disappointing to say the least. I'd like to at least believe that my work is needed, nay, necessary to get things to run smoothly. Ay me. oh well.

I highly recommend being engaged. It's fun. and surprisingly hair-raising at the same time.....

It does make it hard to concentrate on anything else...

**as if to prove me right, I've had to edit this stupid entry THREE times! maybe the J man is rubbing off on me....yikes!

Friday, October 17, 2003


I bet you thought...oooh look, she's engaged. She won't have anything else to write about. Time will stop in it's tracks. it will all be wedding this, and wedding that and blah blah blah.
well, actually I do have something else to write about.

I want to write about the use of the term "Boy Howdy."
I think this is my new favorite catch phrase. I like it because it can have a variety of meanings. For example:

"You aren't coming with me? Boy Howdy you better!"
"Boy Howdy, did you see that home run?"
"Boy Howdy you did a good job paintin that fence!"

so versatile, yet so hick at the same time. kinda like y'all.
I'm lovin' it! WAIT

Boy Howdy, I'm lovin' it!!

Monday, October 13, 2003

i have no words, except yes! finally happened.

the one thing i thought would never happen to me. i got engaged! (can you even believe it?!)

so, here's the scoop:

I had a terrible day on friday. it was just awful, and to top it off, work kept me late too.

on my way home, i was grumpy. i even tried to convince the boy to go to the (supposed) b-day dinner without me. he wouldn't go (god love 'im).

I sputtered into the apartment with my arms filled with junk to find a trail of roses laid out leading me into (that's odd) no...they led into the backyard where christmas lights winked at me. there were only two chairs set up, and J was already sitting in one, sort-of stiff like, with his hands in the pocket of his jacket.

my brain was! not like this! i was still wearing my painting clothes from work! but in the end, it didn't matter, and it really was perfect. I love our tiny backyard, and now I have a really good reason, besides all the flowers.

there was a wonderful card, many tears, and we both ended up sitting on the ground by the end of it. it was kinda surreal...but incredibly sweet--AND a complete surprise.

And we made engagement pancakes the next day! best pancakes I ever had...

How strange is the word Fiancee? but we can't stop saying it. I will probably get a few more bruises from running into the walls while gazing at my ring...but they are all worth it.

Imagine! someone loves me enough to give me a ring! And that someone is my favorite person. How lucky can you get?

Friday, October 10, 2003


We went to see this play called Proof last night.

I had no idea what the play was about, although I'd heard of it. Tickets were free and it turned out to be a captivating production.

The play is about the daughter of a once-brilliant-and-now-gone-mad mathematician who is recently deceased.
Most of the play revolves around the contents of more than 100 notebooks that he scribbled in during his descent into mental disease.

I can't even begin to draw you the parallels between this play and my own life, but let's just say, they were striking.

It was a good play. Well written, thoughtful. And I recognized some similarities as I watched the show, and moments truly resonated. I knew it at the time.

But I guess i never realized how much till I woke up in the middle of the night last night after a terrible dream.

Dad doesn't show up in my dreams very often. But when he does, it's in the gentle fog of "heeeey....where have you been/so glad to see you/how are you?" kind of stuff. We have conversations, and it leaves me feeling like I've filled him in somehow.

But that isn't how last night went. Not at all.

I was angry. No one could see him but me. I yelled at him. And he was confused. So he left.

Dad, I'd like to apologize. If you come back to visit, I promise not to yell. I promise.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003


genius bf fixed me blog!

now you can leave play nice!

today was...hectic.

I have decided against cheerleaders. I hope you aren't offended.

let me tell you why:

2. they are loud
3. they park for crap in my parking lot, making it impossible to park, leave, drive, or use parking lot for any reason other than CARS (like, say if we needed to fold a large backdrop....etc)
4. they insist I unlock the door for them. EVERYDAY. of course, let me get that for you. I wasn't in the middle of DOING anything...
5. they are whiny.
6. they always run around in the tech hall WITHOUT shoes. (dumb, dumb)
7. they distract my boys
8. they are always swishing their hair.
9. I get cheers stuck in my head
10. they stole my boyfriend! (oh wait, that was years, some habits die hard...)

anyways. my rant for the day. ENJOY....

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

slow news

It seems as if October is a slow news month for those of blog nature.

Tis unfortunate, because as the weather gets colder, I can't wait to hunker down and read about everyone's life. Especially people I haven't met yet.

And although I should be posting links so you know what I mean, I can't. Because well, I don't know how. And I also apparently lack the womanly wiles to hornswaggle the bf to do it for me, although I have done everything I can think of.

So I say, dear readers, it's up to you. write my boyfriend and tell him that you want a links and comments section on this blog. Do it! It's up to you. The future coolness of this site depends on you!

well I guess thats all I can muster for my public service announcement for today. Maybe I will later post an update on our daring fire drill evacuation planned for later this morning. life just vibrates with excitement, don't you think?

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Late nite smorgasbord

It's hard being an new ebay addict.
I don't bid much, i just peruse for hours.
In fact, I think i just got repetitive stress in my right hand tonight. I kept getting the distinct impression I was cutting off circulation because my fingers kept getting cold and turning blue.

oh well.

The new item i covet is a vintage cowboy lampshade. Floor lamp size--which is the main prob. mostly they are only table lamp size. must keep looking.... will fit in great with our kitchy living room. I'm sure J will LOVE that....


went to the book fair today.

expected it to be like those scholastic book fairs that I went to when I was in elementary school. Those were the best. I couldn't wait to get that four page pamphlet in my hands. I'd pour over it for hours, trying to decide on which book I wanted. I was completely floored when I was the first person in the third grade to get a copy of the newly released "Superfudge". Ahh. those were the days.

But this wasn't really like that. There were many authors, mostly for a new generation of Superfudge-aged kids. And they spoke, or did readings from their books.
It was fun, but it didn't come anywhere near my scholastic book fair days.
oh well.

The main thing it did was remind me that I really do want to write something good enough to get published someday. I have a good story sense, I bet I could write kids books. I used to make up stories and tell them to my cousins. I think i could easily wrassle up an illustrator. But I think mostly I'm scared. I am scared to try. I should just start. if it sucks, it sucks. but at least i will have started.
and, not that authors make alot of money, but it would be a nice additional source of income, at any rate.

My grandmother always told me to marry into money. She said that from as young as I can remember. And my response (even back then) was "Forget that. I'm going to make my own money." I just thought that was a ludicrous statement. like I couldn't be smart enough to pull down my own living all by myself. And I have thought that way since I was 7. I'm no millionaire, I do okay. But I can't help but feel there is some "big thing" out there for me to accomplish. It still feels like it's in the future somewhere, and I am not ready for it yet. But, I think it will be something i write--a play, a book...I don't know. But it just seems like it's in there somewhere.

I should start writing.

Maybe I will....
