Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

arpeggio with olive tapenade in white wine sauce with almondine fritters

I don't think I need to say anymore about caterers, do I?

this wedding stuff is unbelievably expensive. and even for just the BASICS! For anything else, it's wacky expensive. and truly, it's a shame that the 'anything else' is labeled in packages like the title above.

Anyone invited to this shindig should feel special, because they will be treated to the priciest meal they've ever had. I'm pretty convinced.

Maybe I will just make chicken cupcakes, and be done with it....oy!

In other news....the building did not come undone, as I had feared in my absence from work yesterday. disappointing to say the least. I'd like to at least believe that my work is needed, nay, necessary to get things to run smoothly. Ay me. oh well.

I highly recommend being engaged. It's fun. and surprisingly hair-raising at the same time.....

It does make it hard to concentrate on anything else...

**as if to prove me right, I've had to edit this stupid entry THREE times! maybe the J man is rubbing off on me....yikes!


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