Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Stupid weekend

Yesterday was kinda fun.
But just sucked.

Had a fight with J.
Didn't start out as a VERY IMPORTANT fight, until I realized that my words were just bouncing off their intended target.

Gentlemen, nothing raises a silly fight to VI status faster than a lady who doesn't feel you are hearing what she's saying. (for posterity, in case anyone actually reads this.)

Everything is mostly fine now, with the offending words (and pieces of furniture) appropriately dealt with.

One thing I do like about myself, however, is that when I get peeved, I clean.
So, house is vaccuumed, dusted, many loads of laundry got done, closet is organzied and several boxes that were languishing in the corner have been polished off.

But it was a waste of a perfectly lovely sunday.
chaps my hide.

Friday, September 26, 2003

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Of note:
1. Rich people wear lots of perfume.
2. Couch, you are mine enemy.
3. Basements are scary places when you are home alone.
4. Cleaning is overrated.
5. Too much Shakespeare is good for the soul, and the wit.
6. If I am not on the road at 7am, I can kiss my 8 AM class goodbye.
7. MHS rocks.
8. David Gray's new album isn't as good as white ladder.
9. My office looks like it exploded.
10. There are too many bugs in my shop.
10.5 This shop will NEVER look clean, even when it is.
11. My new dream job: teaching art to 3rd graders.
12. Too many storms.

What's it called when all you can do is think about when you get to see your favorite person again? oh. love. That's right!

Am half tempted to chuck tech call altogether today. I just want to go home. I hope I am not catching something. I feel gooey. The kids will be cranky, and there isn't that much to do today. They will race to leave, and forget to clean up in the process. It doesn't matter anyways. They are completely cleaning disabled. sigh.
T'was a frustrating week.....

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Holy Toledo Batman

I love austin.
can i just say that I LOOOOOVE austin?

I miss it.
I just read Adams blog, and it made me a bit homesick...SIGH. Austin. Live music capital of the world.

in other news....long week.
J is out of town, and I am so BORED at home. He's just so entertaining....
He comes back tomorrow, and I am very excited.

Children are pounding at my door, will write more lata....

arrivederci, frog.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

too much lunch

well, today is my birthday.

no one at work really knows that, except that they posted it in the upper school announcement folders, which no one will read or notice.

And that brings me to the thing about birthdays.

You don't want people to make a big fuss.
So you dont' tell anyone.
But then, you feel a slight tinge that you are walking around on a very significant day with NO attention paid to the fact that it is a significant day.
So then, you wish there was someone sly & reliable to leak the news for you.
But then, you don't want to tell someone to leak the news, because that seems self-serving.
So, you just hope that your friends will read your mind.
But sometimes, your friends don't know the people where you work.
But really, I don't want a big fuss.

and there you have it.

I am not saying that I am disappointed in my birthday attention. Not in the least. I got a lovely birthday breakfast at 6:15 this morning. Pancakes! mmmm....pancakes.....
and gifts! there were gifts too. which is very nice. So really, no complaints. honest.

oh, and I ate too much at lunch today....bbblllffft.

Monday, September 15, 2003

so many things

So, here I am at work.

I turn 31 tomorrow, and finally feel like my life is starting.
It's an odd feeling. I mean, a good, odd feeling.

I have this pretty cool job, where they feed me lunch everyday and I get to play with powertools and kids all day long where we all pretend to be something we arent. Can you beat that? no, I didn't think so.

And, I feel like my personal life is doing really well. I mean, I think I hit the jackpot.

I have a great home, the best roomate, and enough friends to come to a big bash in our honor. Wait. Who am I fooling? MY HONOR, dangit!

And, to top off the cake, I was recognized at a very nice awards ceremony last night for something I love to do. Our show won best musical! That is very exciting.

And, I personally won for best choreographer, best set design, and best director. That last one is pretty meaningful to me, since this is the first time my directing skills haven't been used for strictly high school kids. They gave out silverplated bowls for the awards. So, now I have a full set, I guess. We can eat chips and dip out of them next weekend! how cool is that?

All in all, it's been a good time the last few days. And I mean that. And not just in a cynical, let-me-tell-you-how-hard-my-life-has-been kind of way.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Truth is stranger than....

I know, I know. It's been awhile, and anyone who was interested in this probably stopped reading it.
But, nevertheless.....

My first week of teaching was weird.
Kids bring things to school like playstations, and mp3 players. And such cool cell phones, i have never even seen them before.

And, it's a good thing they wear uniforms, because Friday was "free dress" day, and I'm pretty sure one girl in my group was wearing brand-name merchadise worth more than my entire paycheck.

To top off the weirdness, we met in "regular" (and I use that term loosely) classes for one day, and then spent the rest of the week in a discombobulated haze of buses, trains, and trips to various parts of the city. We did community service (park cleanup and mulching) in the pouring rain. But at least is wasn't buggy. We went into town to visit a non-profit agency to find out why people work for places where they don't make any money. (heck, they could have just asked anyone on the faculty that question.) We went into town on public transportation to complete a scavenger hunt. That was fun, except my team was especially motivated, and they were literally jogging from the train station to each selected destination. I havent' run so much since, well, I don't know when. I don't run. But I had to keep up, they were my charges. So, there you have it.

I guess I felt like an outsider, because I don't know any of the kids, and the only reason I had anything to say was when they were throwing sharp, pointy, metal gardening tools up in the air about 10 feet or so. And then, my only comment was, " throwing of sharp, pointy metal gardening tools." I felt like killjoy, but it had to be said.

Oh, and the shower went very well, amazingly enough. Everyone was on their best behavior, and even my mom had a good time. Truly, a miracle. Now, if the wedding would just go that smoothly....