Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Monday, December 27, 2004

holiday hotcha

this year, the holidays were in my hands. I felt, anyways. And they seemed to have gone well. We are leaving tomorrow for somewhere much less damn cold...."We're goin ta Flarida!"

Much cooking...basic stuff....nothin pie, punkin pie, punkin bread, steamed asparagus, baked sweet potatoes, and filet mignon. mmm.

That was it! We went for xmas dinner to J's aunt & uncle's house....mmm... brine turkey! yum! Plus, we got leftovers--so no more cookin fer me! ya-hoo!

we are heading to the movies later. Once we got all the important stuff out of the way (after xmas shopping, playing with new toys, and the cat)...well, it's a bit slow around here. I'm looking forward to our trip!

see ya on the sunny side!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


I am so is J's last day of work, and we will get to be on vacation together at the same time! That hasn't happened since the wedding, and weekends don't count, because often I am working during the weekend. It's been lonely with only ME on vacation, so this will be really fun. Plus we are doing some traveling, so I am really excited!

Today is cleaning day. Not just "we're having company, so get the newspapers off the table and stuff the mail in empty drawers" type cleaning, but serious "mother-in-law coming from overseas for the holidays" cleaning. I might even vaccuum the cat!

He's been quite helpful in my attempt to wrap presents, create and string-up welcome home banner, and jumping up at my drawstrings on my pants as I move around. Thus making any item I am working on take twice as long. Sigh. Oh well. I'll get done what I can, and then stay up all night to get everything else done! ha!

Tommorow is "baking my brains out" day. Look forward to those updates, but we are already ahead after making J's precious "spiced moose" cookies this weekend. believe you me, i've already had to deal with the "what do you do with the rest of the moose when you use the two cups for the cookies" problem. Moose pancakes, anyone?

Saturday, December 18, 2004

never land

my apologies to any readership I might have offended by my lack of posting. Luckily, there aren't many of you! ha!

It is just so hard to create entries, when
1) the site is usually down,
2) you are busy invading and taking over 3rd world countries,
3) you just started directing the biggest show of the year, and haven't had two minutes to put away your clean clothes (washed by someone else, of course. If it was up to me, I'd be naked at this point. And cold. Very ,very cold.)**

**One of these answers is not entirely true. If it was, it might make me a certain president.....

The holiday break has started for me, and I am going to revel in my ability to actually cook dinner myself, be home before it is dark, bake, clean, decorate for the holidays, and be a host Martha "jailbird" Stewart would be proud of.

unrelated, random, side-note: It's a good thing our wedding pics were online for all to gander at, because they sure don't make those big albums convenient to transport to a get together....they are HUGE!