Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Thursday, May 27, 2004

an age thing

I have noticed an interesting trend, in myself.

i have always been a big shopper. Never one to turn down a trip to the mall to buy some really unecessary clothing article. And shoes. Lots of shoes.

So anyways, I haven't been in a few YEARS (this is TRUE) because A) I had no moneys and B) I was the size of New Jersey. (True story)

Being the Jersey that I am, I have now lost most of the industrial parks, and kept the beaches, so I am in much better shape. So now I want to buy new clothes!

In order to really make it a fun trip, however (and these days, I mostly go shopping by myself...actually it's part of the fun. Well, more fun than the fiance Sighing repeatedly as I consternate over the blue one or the pink one) I have to wear something cute. I can't just go out in my sneaks and! It has to be something that I will get COMPLIMENTS on from the salesgirls! I am much happier that way. Somehow, what I have on enhances the outfit I am going to purchase. Isn't that weird?

I think this has only started since I have hit 30. SIGH. it's an age....THING.

Monday, May 17, 2004

busy bees

we went to philly this weekend to visit the seester before her internship starts this summer.
She is doing lighting at a theatre down the shore for the summer.

Much time was spent by the fam cautioning seester against climbing up too high on ladders, and strapping herself in...blah blah blah. Good thing when I majored in theatre they had no idea what it entailed. Poor seester.

I was also dragged to see the stinkbomb "Troy". They could have just named it "Movie for no reason except to see sweaty men in sarongs." It sucked wind, hard. Besides the mangled re-telling of myths from old, (the Illiad) there was no plot, it was completely devoid of a protagonist, and it may as well have just spliced scenes from LOTR and painted over them with men in skirts-they were that similar. Oh, let's turn Orlando Bloom's character into an archer (splice), let's show millions upon millions of soldiers about to maim each other in hand-to-hand combat (splice). SIGH. That's three hours of my life I will never get back. ICK.

we are preparing for the mother of all yard sales...we are getting rid of so many things because A) we don't want to move them, and B) we are getting new stuff from the wedding, and we need someplace to put it. So, out with old, rusty teapot, in with cute, new, blue teapot. (Plus that helps with not getting tetnus, so bonus!)

the cicadas are here. They are disgusting. One was waiting outside the door this morning as I left. Wings and all. Blech. I hope this goes quickly, and they leave. I am not a bug fan, and I am especially not a large-winged-crunchy-bug fan. EEEEEEW.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Invitation to Hades

We got our invitations last night, and they are so cool. I have to say. And many thanks to the future S-I-L and her beau for getting them printed for us. They are so awesome. They don't so much look like a weding invite, as a cool PARTY invite. Which is fitting. And, not to brag, they were conceived by me, and designed by J, so they really fit our idea of what this wedding business is all about.

However. Now comes the task or addressing all 100 of them. ACK! UGH! OUCH! Who knew it was such a pain? And if you knew it was a pain, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!

We are trying to use everyone's "formal" names. Did you ever stop to think that you might not KNOW your relative's formal names? Don't you always just call Uncle Bob....well....Uncle Bob? Who's idea was this formal name thing? I have a word or two for them. (those words being "YOU SUCK")

And then with mixed families in the same house...what do you do? Send one to everyone? Send separate? Whose name goes on the invite?

If two people live together and arent' married, do BOTH of their names go on the invite?

where the hell is miss manners when you REALLY need her?


So, last night, out of the 25 or so that we addressed, we realized about 10 or so went into the "there is a problem, call ____________ to figure out how to fix it." so, we didn't get very far.

But damn, they look good! Now if anyone gets to see them, that's another matter entirely.