Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Monday, November 27, 2006

coup de mom

This weekend I acheived the most amazing thing.....

I got my mom to dump her "mom jeans". You know, those baggy, elastic-waisted nightmares where the crotch hangs halfway down to the know, those.

We got her some nice, new, spanky jeans. They have a bootcut bottom, they highlight her skinny legs. They actually fit her. She looks tall and was a struggle, but I feel like I made the world a better place this weekend.


new world

I think I will stop listening to the radio. It stresses me out. I can' t focus when all I can hear about is what the government is going to do next, how we are going to get out of this mess in Iraq, what will happen to all the people who live there, what's new with the stock market (it's starting to tank), what's happening in Israel and Palestine, the federal deficit, inflation, this list is endless, really.

So, I will start listening to cds.

I am thankful that I live in a country where I can turn off the news.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Things you might not know about me

1. I like penguins. No, I REALLY like penguins. They are cute,beaky, and obviously communicate like people. and they are fuzzy when they are small. I am a sucker.

2. I like to fall asleep during bad monster movies on tv. Actually, I like to fall asleep in front of the tv. period.

3. Once, when I was a kid, I told people I had a lobotomy. Because my parents told me I had one.

4. don't feel so bad about #3, because my third grade friend Kyra told me in response that she was pregnant.

5. I hate dark colors because when I was growing up, our house had brown carpets, brown tables, brown couches, rust colored chairs, and puke yellow blinds and wallpaper. Lots of pukey yellow.

6. I have a separate bar of soap in the shower that I use to wash behind my ears, and that is all it is used for.

7. I am contemplating turning all the furniture in our living room into different shades of blue.

8. I really, really, really want to travel to Australia.

9. I know all the words to the entire Beastie Boys' "Liscence to Ill" LP.

10. Sneaky Snake was my favorite record when I was small.

11. I've broken or lost (sometimes both) every nice bracelet I've ever owned. I have lots of other jewelry that I have had for many years. But no bracelets.

12. I had a trigger finger when I was little.

13. My great fears in life were/are: losing my first tooth, learning to drive, being alone in the dark, having a baby.

14. I have an overwhelming feeling that I have some important work I have to do before I leave the planet.

15. I used to spend an inordinate amount of time in college planning for the worst case scenario. I would only wear practical shoes, in case I had to run or fight someone.

16. I got punched in the face in 7th grade.

17. I took fencing for three years in college. I was invited to work with an olympic fencer, but I couldn't afford it at the time.

18. I have a brown belt in Okinowan Shorin Ru.

19. I broke my arm in dance class.

Okay, that's quite enough.