Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Sunday, November 02, 2003

weekend? we don't need no stinking weekend!

I love working both saturday and sunday. LOVE IT.

I should at least be using this computer to get some MORE work done while I sit here, waiting to talk to a bunch of people who don't know me, but I am not.

I'm so embarrased that I let this Halloween go. I mean, you only get a finite number of Halloweens--you shouldn't waste them, right? Well, I had NO costume. I didn't even go for my standard 'farmer girl' costume that I use when I can't think of anything. I suck. We were the only ones at Joe's party with no costume. I guess it's just as well. I didn't have the time nor energy to wash purple dye out of my hair and glitter off my face before I went to sleep. All I want to do these days is sleep. I am either working or sleeping. It's pretty sad.

The next few weeks are gonna be rough. and then, when they are over....I have jury duty! yay me!

maybe i can tell them I am part of a neo-nazi group with ties to the mob, and that everyone is guilty until proven innocent.

Does anyone have any good ways to get out of Jury doody? I'd sure be interested....

My problem is that I am too honest. I will have trouble just out and out lying. Plus that's illegal. Damn my conscience!


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