Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

VP on the DB

Tonight the veeps debate. It will be interesting to see how like "law & order" Mr. Edwards portrays himself. Or, is he going to work on that "plainspeak" which makes Mr. Bush so popular. I hope not.

All these folks who have latched onto Bush because "he sounds like a regular person, just like me" are out of their minds. You better believe I don't want some regular schmo who sounds like they know what I know. I want someone smarter--WAAAAY smarter than me, in charge. Because I know that I don't a) have all the answers, or b) know enough in order to figure out the best answers. I want someone in office who does.

Even if I don't understand all them high-falutin words he uses.


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