Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

events to come

I had a dream last night.

I was at my dad's old house in Houston. We had gone down for a visit. When we got there, there was a car parked in the driveway, so we pulled in behind it. And then on our right, a city bus pulled up and past us into the garage.

My Dad came out and told me that he had brought my grandfather down for a visit, but he had him take the bus, because it was too hard for him to fly these days. I was very excited, because I don't get to see Pop very much. So, I was pleased in my dream as we got out of the car to go inside.

But then I woke up.

I know Pop is getting old. He has been sick, and frail. And he's 87 years old! I know. But it will be so hard when it happens. And it is going to happen soon.


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