Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Saturday, March 05, 2005

ya-freakin' hoo. It's over!

Yes, I can emerge back into real life now, as "the show that ate my life" is over.

I have done much sleeping with the Bean this week, as it has been the only thing I can manage. But now I want to plan trips, see friends (if I have any left) and begin my workout routine in earnest.

For anyone who was wondering, the show turned out really great. All thanks to me. No really. I had very little help, if any. In fact, most of the people I work with actually tried to get in my way and impede the show's progress. But then I poisoned them. Or wished I had. But now I am on the other side, and man....8-3 sounds good to me! time! yes!


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