Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Friday, October 15, 2004

Flashback 2000

During the 2000 presidential election, I was teaching in Texas. The kids were all riled up the day after the election, when no winner was announced. We talked about it, and how just a few votes might make the difference. I was interested then to see how it might affect the next presidential race, when most of those kids would be of age to vote.

Much has happened between then and now, but I suspect that the increase in voter registration isn't JUST due to the polarizing status of this year's election.

One of my students back then had asked me who I voted for. I told them that after much indecisiveness, I voted for Gore. They were floored (I mean, it was Texas, you know.) To be honest, I had trouble voting that way at the time, because as Govenor, W had just given every teacher in the state a $3,000 pay raise with the budget surplus. It was hard to argue with that. But, when the Republicans were in the White House, my dad lost his job in the oil business, and my mom moved back to Pennsylvania, where she could get work as a teacher. She took both of my little sisters with her, while dad and I stayed where we were in Houston. It was one of the worst times of my life.

So, was I about to vote to put another Republican (who in my mind had caused the painful demise of my family structure) in office? I didn't think so.

People don't understand that.

And look where we are now.


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