Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Thursday, August 12, 2004


In honor of my dear friend Kristi having her baby on Tuesday, I am sharing one of my favorite stories about her.

We were living as roomates in lovely Garland, TX.
She decided she had had it with the weeds in our yard and the ones growing in the cracks on the sidewalk and driveway. So, she purchased a product called "Weed-B-Gone". She dilligently used the product as directed, and, if I know Kristi, sprayed the bejesus out of the weeds in her yard. She waited a day or so, and NOTHING happened. She was furious. She grabbed the spray bottle from the shelf in the garage and shook it and angrily said "Weed-B-Gone?! More like "Weed-B-Stayin-Around!" and just like that she threw the bottle into the trash. She was so mad. And all I could do was laugh, because, really....she was SOOOOO mad about...well, weed killer.

This story still makes me laugh to this day everytime I see a a commercial on TV about some spray-on weed killer. And now, after meeting Kristi, it makes my husband laugh, too.

Here's to ya, K, and that lovely new baby boy! Cheers!


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