Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Saturday, August 30, 2003

pressure cooker

Guess what I get to do this weekend?

Let's start with things I DON'T get to do:

1. Climb mount everest. No climbing for me.
2. Sitting on a beach somewhere with me toes in the sand and a fruity, frosty drink cooling off the fingers. With lots of sunscreen on hand, of course.
3. hitting a racous punk band concert.
4. Performing for the Queen of England.
5. Working on school stuff. Which isn't such a bad thing, in retrospect.....

what I am doing....
For my sister.

my mom is in a terrible state these days, feeling like the rest of the world owes her for this whole affair. or at least owes her enough to show up for it.
SO, between MY family, and the impending beloved's family (that's another whole can of beans)...I'd not be surprised if someone doesn't run screaming from the house. someone, like...ME!

Will keep you up to date.
Wish me luck....


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