Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Monday, August 18, 2003

t minus 20 hours and counting

okay. well.
I actually have to be at work tomorrow at 8:30 AM. across town. no, across the world. I am actually driving to another STATE to work. From the vantage point of being a Texas girl, that is a pretty freaky thought.

But i guess around here it ain't no thang. Now I just have to get everything done today. aiiieeee!
many errands to run, things to get, stuff to find....ack! ack!
too much to do.
so I guess I should stop yappin about it and DO it!

but a quick story first....

Me (on phone): guess what? we are in violation of our historic building code with our unsightly satelite dish! Whatever shall I do? call the installers?
J (on phone): nonsense! How hard can it be to move it ourselves?

(note the day on the top of this posting)
Me: good thing we have DVD's to watch all week...
J: Shut up.
Me: and books. Lots of books...



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