Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


About to embark on this summer's great adventure....

We leave tomorrow from here, to NYC, then to Munich, then on to Sarajevo, then to Dubrovnik, then to Rome.

It is tiring trying to remember if you picked up all medications, have enough small bottles for the toiletries, have taken enough money...where are the passports, did I bring enough underwear....etc etc etc. This list is endless. But I am so excited. I haven't been overseas in ages. And I don't count last summer...honeymoons are the exception!

The Bean is also headed for a vacation of his own, at Uncle Keiths. He seems to like it there. Thank heavens he's so easygoing. He just sniffed the place out, and then plunked down and slept on the kitchen floor, just like h e does at home!

Arrivederci....see you when we see you!


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