Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Shout out!

To: Adam: you must be in 7th heaven. BoSox: Hooray for the team of Destiny! J: Thanks for letting me stay "up" to watch the game. (i.e. not making me go to bed when I missed innings 4-8 due to me "resting my eyes") Jen: Not misinterpreting my "wouldn’t it be cool if you taught your bird to speak in an accent" comment I left on your answering machine. That is why you are my friend. Jenny: Way to keep things rolling in Florida! Jmom: Excellent work getting to come back for the holidays! Miami: Watch out, we are taking the town by storm for new year's. (at least, that is the current plan....) Mo & Dan: Thanks for entertaining our idea of a good time with S'mores and pumpkin carving! My mom: Lease is signed, so it's official....she's moving OUT! Go mom! We will be there soon! Prez race: the only good thing I can see here is that it will be OVER soon. It's stressing me out.


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