Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

unemployed in greenland

forgot to mention, while everyone was very nice when i quit, and initial plan was that i work thru july 30...yeah, see...well...
they changed their mind. I was out on the street that very day. boom.

i thought that might happen when i gave my notice, but i guess i figured i was safe, because it didn't happen right away.
But i can't say that i am sorry.
i have time to run errands. I have time to sleep (which, as you can tell i aint doin). and the best part is, well, I have time to pack. no wait, the best thing is, i don't have to go to work anymore! yay! take that all you suckers!

I am supposed to go back for about a week in august, but i might tell them to forget it. we'll see. because if i don't go, it will be like "I quit-you're sacked-no I quit again!" and then I will have the last word..muhahahahahah (evil take-over-of-world laugh)

our landlord sent the key to our new place, and we tried to use it yesterday. however, it didn't work. either that, or we weren't smart enough to get it to work, and wouldn't that be sad... so he is fed ex-ing another key to see if that will work.

i hope we get it today. man, we gotta get in there.

well, i'm off to bid on ebay...
(just kiddin honey....:D)


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