Lies and Propaganda

Getting Down with my Bad Self

Monday, June 30, 2003

this weekend, was, well...not much of a weekend. workday, workday PERFORMANCE. it was only one song, but still. I was a bit disappointed, because it didn't go as smooth as i'd hoped. I mean, they weren't bad, but the second run through in the rehearsal was much better. oh well.
It's hard to jump into that song, without having sung the whole show. usually, you have the whole show to get 'warmed up' for it. Ach. oh well. We have a short week this week, thank heavens, for both work and rehearsal, so I can clean my house, and go shopping and just RELAX. oy, what a month june has been, and july aint lookin much easier. but that is okay. august will be loverly.

i keep having dreams about our new house. where we will put things, moving in, just living there, having parties and such. it's going to be so fun. it will make our life much easier. "what do you mean you have to go home?" "hon, I haven't been there in 3 days, I have to pay bills and stuff!" "I have to clean" argh. it will be mooooch betta. Cause then we can do so in the SAME HOUSE! Wooo hooo!

Am also lookin forward to actually having places to put my stuff. I've never lived anywhere that really had ENOUGH closet space. This should be a treat! you all just place will be so clean when I have places to put things....!!!! hee hee! (insert your own brand of skepticism here)

well, that's all to report. must go to work now...aiiieee.


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